Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay and, with the #NHS campaign '#EveryMindMatters', it's a day to reflect on how we look after own #mentalhealth and how we can recognise issues in others.
Listening to the royal family and many celebrities raising awareness of mental health issues and the importance of #talking, we've all been tasked with thinking about ways in which we can help ourselves and each other to take positive action to stay mentally and physically healthy.
One of the things that we can do, is to #stayactive. At Stoke Bridge Workshops, we're really aware that our #workshops are designed to give our guests new #skills that they can take away and carry on with; whether it's #upholstery, #origami, #painting, #signwriting, #jewellery, #printmaking etc., we arm our customers with knowledge, #skills and information so that they can leave our workshops with something new and positive.
All of our workshops, although taught by #professional #artists and #makers, are designed to be fun and relaxing - we're pleased that the feedback we received talks, not only about the skills our customers have learned, but also the atmosphere and the surroundings ... it's all part of our plan. Take a look at the many and varied workshops that we've got on offer and also visit our gallery to see some of our workshops in action and we think you'll see from the images the vibe that we always wanted - fun, relaxed but packed full of top-quality, professionals tutoring.
Whilst we're responsible for ensuring that ourselves and our friends and family look after their mental and physical health, we must also think about our colleagues at work and the #staff that we employ. One of the things that we're able to do at Stoke Bridge Workshops is to tailor-make workshops to suit #businesses. If you work in #HR or are involved in your business's #corporatesocialresponsibility, why not chat to us about bringing a group of staff to our workshops where we can create a #bespokeworkshop for your team. We have a wealth of professionals #tutors who will be only too keen to adapt their usual workshop to ensure that your team make the most of their time.
So, let's all take time out today to think about something that we'd like to learn; something that'll give us new skills to develop and practice - we'd love to meet you and to provide something to help with your #mental and #physical #wellbeing.
Danielle and Ian